Books of Hussinetz and to related themes since 1992

Edita Štěříková, 1992, Z nouze o spasení, Česká emigrace v 18.století do Pruského Slezska – From troubles to salvation. Czech emigration in the 18.century to the Prussian Silesia, Editor KALICH, Jungmannova 9, 11121 Praha 1, 182 pages, paperback (in Czech with titles of pictures in German)

Edita Štěříková, 1995, Zeme otců, z historie a ze vzpomínek k 50. výročí reEmigrace potomků českých exulantů – Land of the fathers, with history and remembrance to the 50.anniversary of reemigration of the descendants of czech exulants. Editor Občanské sdružení EXULANT in Prague, 506 pages, paperback (in Czech, plans of villages with names of inhabitants)

Ditmar Kühne, 2000, Ortsfamilienbuch Hussinetz, based on the church-books of the Czech parish Münsterberg (1742-1811) and of the Czech-reformed parish Hussinetz (1751-1890), also Deutsches Ortssippenbuch #A-278, self-Edition, 780 pages, cloth binding, in German (about 16600 persons)

Wenzeslaus Blanitzky, 2001 (1763), Geschichte der in Schlesien etablirten Hußiten, production: Books on Demand GmbH, 330 pages, paperback, ISBN 3-8311-1054-9 – History of the Hussits, settled in Silesia, Königsberg 1763, Editor Ditmar Kühne 2001, in German

Edita Štěříková, 2001, Pozváni do Slezska, Vznik prvních českých emigrantských kolonií v 18.století do pruském Slezsku – Invitation to Silesia, the foundation of the first czech colonies of emigrants in the 18.century in Prussian Silesia. Editor KALICH, Jungmannova 9, 11121 Praha 1, 600 pages, cloth binding, ISBN 80-7017-553-2 (in Czech, content: families of the first emigrants in Münsterberg, Hussinetz, Friedrichstabor and smaler colonies)